Show Notes
Good news folks, this week Picky aka Bicky aka Becky aka Rebecca and now aka Pinchy is BACK with Dono and he's stoked about it. You might even get to hear her make a run away noise! Arthur's got some tales from retail for us too and I feel personally attacked by it.
So what have we got?
- What do when your husband is doing weird sneaky penis enlargement?
- Hobbies with SO? Rock climbing, next.
- How to sync up your libido with your pardner and make sure everyone is satisfied? Can you even do this?
- Should you ever try to get back together with an ex?
- What's up with this jackass saying he's got a 25+ women cum streak? (Spoiler, he's full of shit)
- What do when your friend turns super racist and shitty?
- Your bf has a trap phone just for you? What is happening?
Anyways yea here we are, here you are, let's party. It's Radio Free Tote Bag