Episode 80

October 24, 2019


#80 Your Stretchy Limbs Envelope Me In A Way That I Find Viscerally Disgusting

Hosted by

Audrey Donovan
#80 Your Stretchy Limbs Envelope Me In A Way That I Find Viscerally Disgusting
Radio Free Tote Bag
#80 Your Stretchy Limbs Envelope Me In A Way That I Find Viscerally Disgusting

Oct 24 2019 | 01:05:26


Show Notes

FOLKS holy shit fall is here, fully. And you know what that means, we're coming up on our Halloween special! I will put it up front, please send us all your Halloween-adjacent questions for next week's episode! We'll spook all over em. However, this time Arthur is single, so ladies please date him this week then dumb him next Wednesday so we can reenact last year's drunken heartbreak! Sorry Arthur, the 'tent was too good. Alright so what we got this week? QUESTIONS! Here ya go here's the list: - The dude who you've been seeing is so tall it's wigging you out. How do you ditch this gangly alien without making him feel back about being a gangly alien? (Maybe don't tell him he's a gangly alien.) - You're Asian, your gf is Asian, but she says she's usually only into white dudes, and she's dishing on Asian guys in front of you. Is this acceptable? - From the Q-Box, what's it like being an adult? (BAD, RUN!!!) - Threesome opportunity has presented itself but you're wigging out. Should you just go through with it or bail? - GF of not too long is wearing her ex-fiance's engagement ring. Is this as bad as it seems? - A MISERABLE SURFER ATTACKED YOU. Smack the lip, wha-PAH! Happy Fall gang, keep trucking through that seasonal affectiveness and stayyyyy with us!

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