Show Notes
Bad news folks, Arthur bought THREE goddamn Natty Daddies. They are strong and bad. Just like Donovan B) Anyways Arthur's fighting these daddies WHILE we take on your questions. And the question box is very full this week so strap in.
What do we have first? A woman who did some camming in the past. Should she tell her SO about it? And then how do you go about having personal time when you and your SO's schedules are very busy and your time together is limited? We're on it.
Then it's QUESTION BOX O'CLOCK and boy howdy we've got four of em this week! Great job, team! So, how do you maintain a friendship when that friend has gone low key crazy since they had a kid? Should you move to a new city with your SO if you're not 100% certain it's a good idea? Then, a DDLG comment as a follow-up to our last episode. We still hate it. Next, how do you go about making friends in a new city without the buffer of school or work?
Finally, we're back to reddit for one more Q, where an SO is getting really weird and wants to invest all their money in silver? We're not on board.
For the full hour (and 12 minutes) it's Radio Free Tote Bag!