Show Notes
Folks we had some issues recording and we were gonna cut some shit but then we didn't so here's an extended episode. For Valentine's Day or something. Anyways, here's what you're gonna get:
- An update on /r/jizzycarts (you're welcome)
- Our worst Valentine's Day experiences
- How to find a good first sex toy to introduce into your relationship
- A girlfriend who wants her boyfriend to be rough with her but he'll only do it when he's drunk
- A Tinder hookup who comes home and sticks around for FORTY-EIGHT HOURS
- If it's controlling to ask your SO not to grind with others because it bothers you
- If grinding is even still a thing
- Our super rad grinding experiences
- A self-admitted ugly guy's gf calling him ugly as she comes off of anesthesia
So there ya go. The greatest gift of all. Radio Free Tote Bag.