Latest Episodes

Episode 65
July 05, 2019
#65 Boner Hiding Apparatus (BHA)

Episode 64
June 27, 2019
#64 A Listener Claps Back, Jackson, And Mourning
Misophonia Warning: We open with me chewing very professionally. And then we get into some shit. Folks, it's Radio Free Tote Bag and here's...

Episode 63
June 20, 2019
#63 Bonnaflu and Beetus
Yeehaw, Buckaroos, we're back from our hiatus! Both of us aren't feeling great but hey we're out here trying and I'd like to think...

Episode 62
June 06, 2019
#62 Meme Rock feat. Lake Markham of Pineapple Tours/Bald Internet Man/The Filthy Frank Show
A man of many talents with here today, it's Lake Markham! Former Bald Chocolate Man and Current Bald Internet Man (and musician), Lake's here...

Episode 61
May 30, 2019
#61 Sixteen White Claws In The Twilight Zone
It's RFTB BB what's poppin? Well a pretty weird one off the bat and then some other weird ones. Let's get to it. -...

Episode 60
May 23, 2019
#60 Reproductive Rights and Scranathon feat. Charlotte Ulrich
Heyo folks we've got superfan and friend of the show Charlotte with us to answer questions and talk activism for reproductive rights! Given the...